what does a ventilator do

what does a ventilator do

1 year ago 47

A ventilator is a machine that helps you breathe or breathes for you. It is used in intensive care units for patients who cannot breathe on their own, such as those with COVID-19 or other illnesses that cause breathing problems. A ventilator can be a lifesaving machine if you have a condition that makes it hard for you to breathe properly or when you can’t breathe on your own at all.

When you are connected to a ventilator, a tube is inserted through your mouth or nose directly into your trachea, which allows the machine to push air into your lungs and forces you to inhale. The machine uses positive pressure to force air into your lungs, which is different from usual breathing that uses negative pressure. The ventilator can be set to take a certain number of breaths for you per minute, or it can be programmed to kick in when you need help.

While you are on a ventilator, you cannot swallow, speak, or cough. The breathing tube may be uncomfortable, and you will need to get your nutrients through an IV. Providers will perform additional procedures to treat you or prevent complications, such as monitoring your blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen levels.

In summary, a ventilator is a machine that helps you breathe or breathes for you when you cannot breathe on your own. It provides oxygen to your lungs and helps remove carbon dioxide from your lungs. It is used in intensive care units for patients with breathing problems, and while you are connected to a ventilator, you cannot swallow, speak, or cough.

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