what does an usher do at a wedding

what does an usher do at a wedding

1 year ago 118

An usher is responsible for directing and seating guests at a wedding ceremony. The main job of an usher is to guide guests to their seats at the wedding ceremony. They also hand out programs and direct guests to the restrooms and other facilities. Ushers are usually chosen by the couple with some input from the best man, and are usually brothers, close male friends, or relatives of either half of the couple. The number of ushers needed is typically based on the rule of one usher per every 50 guests, but the amount can vary depending on the couples preference. Before the wedding day, ushers are expected to go suit shopping with the groom and attend suit fittings. On the wedding day, they are responsible for making sure guests are seated properly and for assisting with any other tasks that may arise. Overall, being an usher at a wedding is considered one of the most fun jobs in the wedding party.

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