what does compression socks do

what does compression socks do

1 year ago 41

Compression socks are specially designed socks that apply pressure to your lower legs and ankles to maintain blood flow and reduce discomfort and swelling. They work by promoting better blood circulation in the legs, which can help prevent swelling and blood clots. Compression socks can be used for various purposes, including:

  • Improving circulation: Compression socks can help improve blood flow from your legs to your heart, reducing swelling and pain in the legs and ankles.

  • Preventing medical conditions: Compression socks can help prevent serious medical conditions such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT), varicose veins, and blood clots.

  • Reducing swelling: Compression socks can help reduce swelling in the legs and feet by increasing blood and oxygen flow.

Compression socks come in different sizes, lengths, and strengths of compression, and they can be prescribed by a doctor or purchased over the counter. They should be worn during the day and taken off before going to bed. Compression socks can be beneficial for athletes, people who spend long periods sitting or standing, and those with medical conditions that affect circulation. If you are considering wearing compression socks, it is best to consult with your doctor to determine which type and level of compression would be ideal for you.

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