Dreams about drowning can have different meanings depending on the context of the dream. Here are some interpretations from various sources:
Emotional Turmoil: Dreaming about drowning usually indicates that one is going through significant emotional turmoil or that they have a swath of repressed emotions inside them that are threatening to pull them under.
Feeling Overwhelmed: Dreams about drowning can signify the responsibilities you cannot abandon in your waking life. These responsibilities can be from your job, family, and even friendships. Should you feel overwhelmed, you dream about drowning because you feel a lot of pressure in your real life to live up to these expectations.
Rebirth: Dreams about drowning can also signify an emotional cleanse and rebirth.
Need for Support: Dreams about drowning can be a sign that your spirit is going through an intense time and you need support.
Metaphorical Suffocation: Dreams of dying underwater represent you are going deeper into your awareness, so you are beginning to explore your unconscious. Dying in dreams is considered a very positive symbol that alludes to an emotional suffocation that you are picking up on in your life.
Overall, dreams about drowning can be an excellent window into your emotional state. It is essential to look at the context of the dream and the emotions you are experiencing in your waking life to understand the meaning behind it.