what does durian taste like

what does durian taste like

1 year ago 43

Durian is a fruit that is known for its unique taste and smell. The fruit has a creamy texture and is often described as having a custard-like texture. Durian lovers say it has a sweet, custardy taste, with the texture of creamy cheesecake. Flavors often attributed to the durian fruits are caramel and vanilla. However, the fruits smell is notoriously potent and has been described as pig-sh*t, turpentine, onions, and gym socks. Some people have compared the smell to rotten eggs, while others say it smells like a bunch of dead cats. Despite the smell, many people enjoy the taste of durian and consider it a delicacy. The taste of durian can vary depending on the specific variety of fruit, its ripeness, and the conditions in which it is grown.

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