what does guava taste like

what does guava taste like

1 year ago 46

Guava is a tropical fruit that has a unique flavor and aroma. The taste of guava can vary depending on the ripeness of the fruit and the type of guava. When ripe, guava has a sweet, musky flavor that is often described as a cross between a pear and a strawberry. The flesh of the fruit is soft and juicy, with a grainy texture similar to that of a pear. The flavor of guava is also slightly tart, which adds a refreshing acidity to the sweetness. Some varieties of guava have a more tangy or sour flavor, while others are sweeter and more floral.

In general, ripe guavas have a sweet and flowery flavor with a crunchy, grainy, and pear-like texture. Some say it is a cross between a pear, a mango, and a strawberry, while others say it’s a combo of a grapefruit and a pear. The taste can be anywhere from sour to tangy depending on the type and its ripeness. The smell of ripe guava is sweet and musky, and the riper it gets, the stronger its aroma gets.

Overall, guava is a delicious and nutritious fruit that is enjoyed around the world in a variety of dishes, from juices and smoothies to salads and desserts.

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