When a cat licks you, it can mean several things, including:
Affection: Licking is a way for cats to show affection and create a social bond with you, other cats, or pets. This behavior may stem from kittenhood when their mother licked them to groom them and show care and affection.
Attention-seeking: Your cat may lick you to get your attention, whether they want you to pet them, feed them, or pick them up. Licking can be equivalent to any other attention-seeking cat behavior, like pawing at you or meowing.
Marking territory: Licking is also a way for cats to mark their territory and establish their scent. When your cat licks you, it leaves behind their distinct scent which tells other animals to stay away.
Investigating scents: Cats may lick your skin or hair to investigate interesting scents or odors, like an appetizing lotion, shampoo, or other topical product. Human perspiration also contains sugar and salts that cats may find appealing.
Calming behavior: Cats may lick you as a way to calm you down, especially if youre stressed or sick. They may have learned this behavior from being licked by their own mother.
Pacifier substitute: In some cases, a cat could be licking you to get your attention and communicate that somethings wrong. If the licking behavior is out of the ordinary for your cat, its best to consult with your vet to see if there is a medical issue.
Overall, when a cat licks you, its usually a sign of affection and a way for them to show that they care about you.