what does it mean to be salty

what does it mean to be salty

1 year ago 127

To be "salty" can have multiple meanings, depending on the context:

  • Tasting like salt or containing a lot of salt: This is the original meaning of the word. For example, a dish can be described as salty if it has a strong salt flavor.

  • Annoyed or upset, especially when this is unreasonable: In modern slang, "salty" is often used to describe someone who is irritated, angry, or upset, usually when something doesnt go their way. This usage can be found in various online sources, including the Urban Dictionary and Reddit.

  • Bitter, angry, and hard to take: Another interpretation of "salty" is to describe a person with a bitter or angry personality, someone who is generally unpleasant and difficult to be around. This usage is similar to the slang meaning of the word but emphasizes a more long-lasting and negative disposition.

In summary, being "salty" can mean tasting like salt, being irritated or upset, or having a bitter and angry personality. The slang usage of the term has become more prevalent in recent years, often describing someone's emotional state when they are annoyed or angry.

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