what does it mean to cull a chicken

what does it mean to cull a chicken

1 year ago 38

Culling a chicken means removing it from a flock and killing it. Chickens are culled for various reasons, including low productivity, disease, or injury. Culling is a necessary but challenging aspect of responsible chicken keeping, ensuring the overall health, welfare, and productivity of the flock. There are different methods of culling chickens, including cervical dislocation, decapitation, and using a kill cone. The most humane method is debated, but it is important to ensure that the method used is quick and painless for the chicken. Chickens that are culled are typically killed on the farm rather than being shipped to a slaughterhouse or outside facility. It is recommended to cull non-laying or low producing hens from a laying flock, and to cull birds that are obviously undersized, underdeveloped, weak, crippled, or diseased. When culling a chicken, it is important to do it away from the sight of other chickens to avoid scaring them.

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