To glorify God means to honor Him with praise, worship, and obedience. It is to recognize and acknowledge His greatness, splendor, and majesty. Glorifying God involves reflecting His attributes, praising His works, trusting His name, and obeying His Word. Here are some ways to glorify God:
- Praise Him with your lips.
- Proclaim the greatness of Gods name.
- Tell the whole world what God has done.
- Sing to the Lord.
- Glory, or exult, in His name.
- Rejoice in Him.
- Obey His commands.
- Live according to His principles for life.
- Love and value all people as precious in the sight of God.
- Be faithful when persecuted.
- Face death with faith.
Glorifying God is not something that can be drummed up on the fly, but rather it is a way of life that reflects His greatness. It is not about bestowing glory on God or adding to His glory, but rather recognizing and acknowledging His glory.