The phrase "pop a nut" has different meanings depending on the context. Here are some of the meanings found in the search results:
Emptying a testicle: According to Urban Dictionary, "pop a nut" is a slang term for ejaculating or emptying a testicle.
Ruptured testicle: "Pop a nut" can also refer to a ruptured testicle, which is a rare type of testicular trauma that can happen if the testicle gets a forceful direct blow or is crushed against the pubic bone, causing blood to leak into the scrotum. Testicular rupture causes extreme pain, swelling in the scrotum, nausea, and vomiting. Surgery is needed to fix the ruptured testicle.
Medical procedure: In an article from Vice, "popping a testicle" refers to a medical procedure to fix a ruptured testicle. The procedure involves removing the stuff that is oozing out and then sewing the capsule shut. The diagnostic test is an ultrasound, and surgery is needed to fix the ruptured testicle.
Sexual act: According to Urban Dictionary, "popping nuts" is a slang term for a sexual act that involves shoving pop rocks in the urethra and having sex with a cat.
Drag slang: In a Reddit post, "popping a nut" is mentioned as a phrase used in drag slang, but the meaning is not clear.
In summary, "pop a nut" can have different meanings depending on the context, and some of the meanings are related to medical conditions that require urgent attention.