what does it mean to settle for a burger and a grape snow cone

what does it mean to settle for a burger and a grape snow cone

1 year ago 36

According to various sources, "settling for a burger and a grape snow cone" is a euphemism used to describe oral sex or the 69 position. In this scenario, the burger represents a vagina and the grape snow cone represents a penis. The grape flavor was chosen to represent the purple color of the head of the penis. The phrase comes from a popular ‘90s country song by Alan Jackson called "Chattahoochee". In the song, the phrase is used to describe a situation where the singer and a girl he was with were fogging up the windows in his car, but she wasnt ready for sex, so he "settled for a burger and a grape snow cone". The phrase has been used as slang for oral sex or the 69 position ever since.

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