The phrase "worship in spirit and truth" comes from Jesus conversation with the woman at the well in John 4:6-30. To worship God in spirit and truth means to love Him with heart, soul, mind, and strength. Here are some key points to understand what it means to worship in spirit and truth:
In spirit: Worshiping in spirit means that it must originate from within, from the heart, and must be sincere, motivated by our love for God and gratitude for all He is and has done. It involves engaging the whole heart and having a real passion for God.
In truth: Worshiping in truth means that our worship must conform to the revelation of God in Scripture. It must be informed by who God is and what He is like. Worship must be rooted in and tethered to the realities of biblical revelation. It means worshiping God in a way acceptable to Him and in harmony with His will as revealed to us in His Word, the Bible.
Both aspects of worship are necessary for God-honoring worship. Spirit without truth leads to a shallow, overly emotional experience that could be compared to a high. Truth without spirit can result in a dry, passionless encounter that can easily lead to a form of joyless legalism. The best combination of both aspects of worship results in a joyous appreciation of God informed by Scripture.
In summary, worshiping in spirit and truth means worshiping God with a sincere heart and a proper understanding of who He is as revealed in Scripture. It involves engaging the whole heart and having a real passion for God, while also being rooted in and tethered to the realities of biblical revelation.