When a cat purrs loudly, it can indicate a variety of things. According to, a loud purr usually means that the cat is happy and comfortable. Cats may also purr loudly to get their owners attention, to express contentment while eating or drinking, or to request interaction. However, notes that some cats just naturally purr louder than others, and as a cat gets older, their purr may deepen and get louder. Additionally, cats may purr loudly in response to stress or injury as a way to soothe themselves. If you notice sudden, distinct changes in how your cat purrs, its a good idea to take them to the vet for a checkup. An abrupt change in purr volume, tone, or intensity might indicate a physical issue that you should rule out, just in case. Overall, a loud purr is usually a sign that your cat is happy and content, but its important to pay attention to other cues to ensure that your cat is healthy and comfortable.