When a kitten meows, it is their way of communicating how they are feeling and what they need or want. Kittens meow for various reasons, such as to communicate that they are hungry, attention-seeking, angry, scared, excited, bored, or in pain. The type of meow and body language of the kitten can help determine what they need. Here are some common meanings of kitten meows:
Low-pitched meows: These usually mean that the kitten is uncomfortable or unhappy. They can also express unhappiness and let you know that you have done something wrong.
High-pitched meows: These mean that the kitten is happier. If the kitten keeps repeating them, they may be wanting your attention.
Drawn-out meows: These usually mean that the kitten wants something specific, like food or attention. Repeated meows may indicate that the kitten is excited, while long meows that seem like they take a lot of effort can mean that something is wrong.
Low-tone meows: These are usually paired with a growl and sometimes puffed up fur or a hunched back, and typically mean that the kitten is angry, scared, or has been startled.
Shrill high-pitched piercingly loud meows: These usually indicate a kitten in pain. However, some kittens can use this meow to get immediate attention even if they are not in any danger or pain.
In general, meowing is all-purpose, and kittens may use it as a greeting, a command, an objection, or an announcement.