what does it mean when cats make biscuits

what does it mean when cats make biscuits

1 year ago 37

When cats make biscuits, they use their paws to press into and "knead" various surfaces. This rhythmic pawing and the opening and closing of the paw is a way for cats to express happiness or some other feline-fueled emotion. The term "making biscuits" refers to the way cats knead soft surfaces, such as blankets or laps, with their paws. This behavior is completely normal in cats and is an inborn behavior that kittens carry into their adulthood. There are several reasons why cats knead, including:

  • Instinct from Kittenhood: Newborn kittens gently knead their mothers belly to help stimulate the flow of milk, and this behavior is instinctual.

  • Comfort: Cats may knead because they find it soothing, and purring often accompanies "making biscuits".

  • Marking Territory: Since cats have scent glands on their paws, kneading can be a way of marking their territory by transferring their scent onto whatever surface theyre kneading.

  • Preparing a Place to Sleep: Similar to dogs who like to circle and cozy into a napping spot, cats also like to "prepare" their bed, and kneading is one way they do this.

  • Stretching: Kneading is also a method of stretching, and it could be a sign that your cat likes you.

  • Communication: Kneading can also be a means of communication with other cats when an unfixed male or female is in heat, and it can also be a sign that your cat feels stressed and is seeking comfort.

In summary, when cats make biscuits, it is a natural behavior that they learn in kittenhood and carry into their adulthood. It is a way for cats to express happiness, comfort, mark their territory, prepare a place to sleep, stretch, and communicate with other cats.

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