KFB is an abbreviation in knitting that stands for "Knit Front Back". It is a popular knitting increase where you knit twice into the same stitch – once through the front of the loop and one more time through the back loop of the same stitch. This technique is used to increase the number of stitches in a row by one. Here are the steps to KFB:
- Knit one stitch as you normally would.
- Without slipping the stitch off the left needle, insert the right needle into the back loop of the same stitch from right to left.
- Wrap the yarn around the right needle counter-clockwise and pull the yarn through.
- Drop the stitch from the left needle.
After completing these steps, you will have created a little visible purl bar with it. KFB is also known as "Bar Increase" because of this. Sometimes it is also abbreviated as "K1fb" or even "K1f&b".