what does nm medicaid cover

what does nm medicaid cover

1 year ago 39

New Mexico Medicaid, also known as Centennial Care, covers a range of medical services, prescription drugs, dental, vision, mental health, long-term care, some home health benefits, and transportation services. The following populations are eligible for Medicaid in New Mexico:

  • Adults under age 65 with household incomes up to 138% of poverty.
  • Children aged 0 – 5 with household income up to 305% of poverty.
  • Children aged 6-18 with household income up to 245% of poverty.
  • Pregnant women with household income up to 250% of poverty.
  • Parents with household income up to 138% of poverty.
  • Seniors and individuals with disabilities with household income up to 300% of the federal benefit rate.

To be eligible for New Mexico Medicaid, you must be a resident of the state of New Mexico, a U.S. national, citizen, permanent resident, or legal alien, in need of health care/insurance assistance, and your financial situation would be characterized as low income or very low income. Most people with NM Medicaid will not owe any money out of pocket. However, people who qualify under the Working and Disabled waiver may owe copayments of up to $7 for some services, $30 for hospital stays, and $3 for prescriptions.

Medicaid beneficiaries can search for providers in their area through the provider directory by signing into their account online. CareLink is a program to help get beneficiaries connected to providers and services. They may be eligible for CareLink if they have full New Mexico Medicaid coverage. Medicaid may also offer help with transportation to appointments.

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