what does pull ups work

what does pull ups work

1 year ago 43

Pull-ups are a compound exercise that work out several muscle groups at the same time. They are considered one of the best bodyweight exercises for building upper body strength. The main muscles worked during pull-ups include:

  • Back muscles: Specifically, the latissimus dorsi, teres major, and rhomboids.

  • Biceps: The biceps are used more during chin-ups (back of hands facing away with an underhand grip) than during pull-ups (back of hands towards your face with an overhand grip) .

  • Shoulder stabilizers: The rear deltoids, trapezius, and infraspinatus are all engaged during pull-ups.

  • Forearm muscles: The little muscles in the hands and forearms are used when gripping the pull-up bar, and the forearms are used when pulling yourself up.

In addition to building muscle strength, pull-ups have several other benefits, including:

  • Improved grip strength: Pull-ups can help improve grip strength, which is important for lifting weights and performing everyday tasks.

  • Increased bone density: Pull-ups are a weight-bearing exercise, which can help build bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

  • Improved posture: Pull-ups can help counteract the rounded shoulder posture that comes from spending long hours at a desk.

  • Improved athletic performance: Pull-ups can improve range of motion, which can benefit various sports.

  • Calorie burner: Pull-ups can be a good exercise to burn calories in circuit training.

  • Customizable: Pull-ups can be modified to suit different fitness levels, making them a beneficial workout for both beginners and advanced athletes.

Overall, pull-ups are an effective exercise for building upper body strength and have several additional benefits.

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