what does rose quartz do

what does rose quartz do

1 year ago 95

Rose quartz is a crystal of universal and unconditional love. It is believed to emit a strong vibration of love, joy, and emotional healing. Some of the benefits and healing properties of rose quartz include:

  • Heart healing: Rose quartz is known for its ability to crack open the heart and put you back in alignment so you feel connected, comforted, and open to all the possibilities that a joyous life can bring.

  • Physical health: Rose quartz is believed to have benefits for physical health, particularly when worn or carried on your body. It can help to prevent thrombosis and heart attacks, improve the circulatory system, and ensure that your heart muscles are as smooth and strong as possible.

  • Beauty: Rose quartz has long been associated with the world of beauty and was even a favored crystal in aging treatments from Ancient Egypt. It is often used in beauty routines, both as a tool and an ingredient. For example, you can soak a polished crystal in a bowl or jar with fresh spring water and a handful of rose petals, put the jar out into the sun for several hours so the water can become infused with the power of the Rose Quartz, and then strain the water.

While there is no scientific evidence that rose quartz crystals offer any health benefits, they are still commonly used for healing purposes. It is important to note that you should never use a crystal to replace the advice and treatment of a qualified healthcare professional.

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