Saging a house is a spiritual practice that involves burning sage to cleanse a spaces energy. Here are the steps to sage a house:
Gather your materials: You will need a sage bundle or smudge stick, a candle, matches or a lighter, and a way to catch the ashes or embers.
Prepare yourself and your space: Clean your home first and take your time to tidy up. This will help clear your mind and create a peaceful environment.
Light the sage: Light the sage bundle or smudge stick and let it burn for a few seconds before blowing out the flame. The sage should smolder and smoke.
Set your intention: Before you start saging, set your intention for what you want to purify, heal from, or release.
Waft the smoke: Starting in one corner of your space, waft the smoke around and through your different rooms with your intention in mind. Pay special attention to wafting in corners, near mirrors, and high-traffic areas like hallways and doorways. Also, pay extra attention to windows.
It is important to note that burning sage will not fix the source of bad energies, but it can help to banish bad energies for good. Saging a house is a personal practice, and there isnt one right answer to why someone might want to sage their house. However, it is believed to invite in personal positive energy.