what does slope mean in golf

what does slope mean in golf

1 year ago 34

In golf, slope refers to a measure of the relative difficulty of a golf course for a bogey golfer compared to a scratch golfer. A bogey golfer is roughly equivalent to a 20 handicap index golfer. The slope rating of a golf course is used by handicapping systems to equalize the field by accounting for the likelihood that, when playing on more difficult courses, higher handicap players scores will rise more quickly than their handicaps would otherwise predict. Slope ratings can range anywhere between 55 and 155, with the average slope rating in the United States being approximately 120. A course with a higher slope rating is more difficult for a bogey golfer relative to the difficulty of the course for a scratch golfer. The slope rating is used to convert a players handicap index into a course handicap, allowing the player to receive enough strokes from a particular set of tees to play at the same level as a scratch golfer from the same set of tees.

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