Taro bubble tea has a sweet, creamy, and nutty taste with a pinch of vanilla flavor. The taste of taro root depends on how it is prepared, but it is generally described as nutty, potato-like, and starchy. Some people compare the taste of taro to coconut, cookies and cream, mild chocolate, or cake. Taro is a starchy root vegetable that is native to Southeast Asia and is commonly used in Asian, Caribbean, African, and Pacific Islander cuisines. It is usually boiled, steamed, roasted, or baked to remove the toxic substance calcium oxalate. Taro bubble tea is made from taro root or taro root powder, which is the root vegetable of the Aracae plant. It is a popular flavor for bubble tea and goes well with toppings like tapioca pearls, crystal boba, coconut jelly, grass jelly, and pudding.