The Quran refers to Christians as among the “People of the Book,” meaning the people who have received and believed in revelations from God’s prophets. The Quran recognizes Christians as one of the Abrahamic faiths, which includes Judaism and Islam as well. The Quran emphasizes that Christians and Muslims worship the same God and encourages dialogue between them. Muslims are instructed to be respectful and tolerant towards Christians, as they share a common belief in the one God and the system of faith that is revealed to prophets and messengers. The Quran states, “And argue not with the people of the Scripture unless it be in (a way) that is better, except with such of them as do wrong” (29:46) .
However, the Quran also contains verses warning Christians against sliding toward polytheism due to their worship of Jesus Christ as God. The Quran considers associating partners with God as the highest form of evil and also views Christians as idolaters and blasphemers for believing in the Trinity. The Quran also criticizes Christians for thinking that they have a special privilege with God.
Overall, the Qurans views on Christianity encourage respect and tolerance, but also warn against polytheism and idolatry.