what does xylitol do for teeth

what does xylitol do for teeth

1 year ago 37

Xylitol is a natural sweetener derived from plants, fruits, vegetables, and other natural sources. It is a 5-carbon sugar alcohol substance that cannot be broken down into simple sugars that feed bacteria. Xylitol has been found to have many health benefits, including reducing tooth decay. Here are some ways in which xylitol benefits dental health:

  • Inhibits growth of harmful bacteria: Xylitol inhibits the growth of harmful oral bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans, which is a major contributor to tooth decay. This is because these bacteria cannot utilize xylitol to grow, and over time with xylitol use, the quality of the bacteria in the mouth changes and fewer decay-causing bacteria survive on tooth surfaces.

  • Raises pH levels: Xylitol does not break down as sugar does, so the pH level in the saliva is raised and acid does not form. This helps to maintain a neutral pH, keeping the outer layer of teeth intact.

  • Stimulates saliva production: Xylitol can stimulate saliva production, which is beneficial in repairing damaged enamel and remineralizing teeth. Saliva containing xylitol has a higher concentration of ammonia and amino acids, which raise pH levels resulting in the hardening of tooth enamel.

  • Reduces risk of tooth decay: Xylitol has been found to significantly reduce tooth decay in both high and low-risk groups concerning cavity occurrence. Studies show that xylitol dental benefits include effectively decreasing acid-producing bacteria by up to 90%.

It is important to note that the amount of xylitol contained in many foods is inadequate to produce a positive impact on dental health. It takes about 20 grams of xylitol a day to prevent decay. Xylitol is found most often in chewing gum and mints, and it must be listed as the first ingredient for the amount of xylitol to be at decay-preventing levels. Xylitol has been approved as a food additive by the Food and Drug Administration since 1986.

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