Lionfish have few natural predators in their invasive range, which includes the Caribbean, the Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Mediterranean. However, in their native range, natural predators known to eat lionfish include sharks, cornetfish, grouper, large eels, frogfish, and other scorpionfish. There is also speculation that large snapper and some species of triggerfish eat lionfish in their native ranges as well. While there are many animals that will eat a lionfish when it is wounded or being chased, eating lionfish and being a predator of lionfish are very different. For example, in a popular video, a grouper in Cayman can be seen herding and eating a lionfish, but this is not natural predation because the grouper has been trained by being fed lionfish and still has a human there (with camera) giving an assist to the grouper. In their invasive range, divers and commercial fishermen are the natural predators of the lionfish, and they are encouraged to spear as many as possible.