what eats slugs

what eats slugs

1 year ago 92

Many animals eat slugs, and attracting these predators to your garden can help control the slug population. Here are some of the most common predators of slugs:

  • Birds: Thrushes, blackbirds, robins, starlings, gulls, jays, magpies, seagulls, and owls are all known to eat slugs.

  • Amphibians: All of the UKs native frogs, toads, and newts will eat slugs and snails.

  • Reptiles: Non-poisonous snakes can also be attracted to your garden to eat slugs.

  • Mammals: Hedgehogs, shrews, raccoons, and even domestic chickens and ducks can eat slugs.

  • Insects: Ground beetles, marsh flies, and centipedes are also known to eat slugs.

To attract these predators to your garden, you can create habitats that provide shelter and food for them. For example, you can create a pond to attract amphibians, or plant hedges and shrubs to provide cover for birds and mammals. Additionally, avoiding the use of pesticides can help preserve the natural predators of slugs.

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