what engine is starfield using

what engine is starfield using

1 year ago 108

Starfield is using the Creation Engine 2, which is a proprietary engine developed by Bethesda Game Studios. The Creation Engine 2 is an updated version of the original Creation Engine used for Skyrim and Fallout 4, and it has been overhauled and upgraded to the point that it is considered a new engine. The engine uses the Havok engine for character and NPC animation, which provides more lifelike simulations than the original Creation Engine. The facial and character model animations in Starfield have also seen improvements compared to previous Bethesda games. The Creation Engine 2 allows for new ideas that werent possible in previous Bethesda games, such as having spaceships in the game that can fly around, players being able to build their own crew, and the ability to customize spaceships.

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