To determine your Enneagram type, you can take a free Enneagram personality test online. Here are some websites that offer such tests:
Truity: This website offers a free Enneagram personality test that consists of approximately 105 questions and takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. After completing the test, you will receive free basic test results showing how you scored for each of the nine types and you will have the option to unlock your full, in-depth report for a fee.
Enneagram Universe: This website offers a free Enneagram personality test that allows you to identify your personality design by taking just a quiz. Depending on your answers, you will answer between 45 to 93 questions. It will take you between 9 and 15 minutes, but for most of their users, it takes less than 12 minutes. The Enneagram system is made of 9 Enneatypes, or in other words, 9 psychological skeletons, mental frameworks, or personality types. To learn yours, just take the Enneagram personality test.
Personality Path: This website offers a free Enneagram personality test that takes less than 12 minutes to complete. The test will give you a first hint towards which of the 9 Enneagram personalities fits you best.
Enneagram Institute: This website provides detailed descriptions of each of the nine Enneagram types. You can read through each type and see which one resonates with you the most.
Crystal Knows: This website offers a free Enneagram personality test that takes about 10 minutes to complete. After completing the test, you will receive a detailed report of your Enneagram type, including strengths, weaknesses, and how to work with your type.
Its important to note that no Enneagram test can be 100% accurate, as it is trying to assess your inner world, which depends on how well you know yourself and how open and honest you are about it. Therefore, you should always take your result with a grain of salt and consider it more as a hint towards your dominant type than a definitive assessment.