what every african american should know

what every african american should know

1 year ago 41

African American history is incredibly rich and diverse, and there are many things that every African American should know. Here are some resources and facts to help broaden your understanding of the culture:


  • BlackPast.org
  • National Museum of African American History and Culture
  • Library of Congress


  • The creator of Black History Month was historian Carter G. Woodson, who was notably the second African American to graduate from Harvard University with a doctorate degree.
  • John Mercer Langston became the first African American lawyer in the state of Ohio in 1854, and he went on to serve as the dean of the law department and vice president of Howard University. He’s also remembered as the first African American from Virginia to be elected to public office, specifically to the U.S. Congress.
  • Anthony Benezet, a white Quaker, abolitionist, and educator, is credited with creating the first school for African American children in Philadelphia in 1770.

For a more comprehensive understanding of African American history, the book "1001 Things Everyone Should Know About African American History" by Jeffrey C. Stewart is a great resource. It covers every important aspect of African American history, from the possible discovery of America by Africans to the recent Million Man March. The book is divided into six broad sections: Great Migrations; Civil Rights and Politics; Science, Inventions, and Medicine; Sports; Military; and Culture, Religion, and the Arts.

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