According to the Selective Service System, veterans are generally exempt from service in peacetime draft, and some immigrants and dual nationals may be exempt from U.S. military service depending upon their status. However, men between the ages of 18 and 26 are required to register for the draft, and failure to do so is a felony. Here are some instances where individuals may be exempt or eligible for postponement or deferment in the event of a military draft:
- Veterans
- Some immigrants and dual nationals
- Those currently on active duty
- Some disabled persons
- Those who are incarcerated
- Emergency beyond the registrants control, such as a serious illness or death in their immediate family
- High school students
- College students
- Hardship to dependents
- Conscientious objectors
- Those with physical or mental conditions that keep them from serving
- Those who served on active duty and were discharged before their 26th birthday
Its important to note that just because someone is registered for the draft doesnt mean they will automatically have to serve in the military if a draft is reinstated. If someone has a physical or mental condition that keeps them from serving, that will be determined after they are drafted.