what finger do promise rings go on

what finger do promise rings go on

1 year ago 35

Promise rings are a symbol of commitment within a romantic relationship and can be worn on any finger on any hand. However, some finger placements are more popular than others. The most common placement is on the left-hand ring finger, which is the fourth finger. This is because there is a vein that runs from that particular finger to the heart, and it is traditionally thought of as being the wedding ring finger. When an engagement ring is given, the wearer swaps the promise ring to another finger. Another popular choice is to wear the promise ring on the right hand, leaving the wedding ring finger open for a diamond engagement ring.

Its important to note that every finger is a different size, so if a promise ring is going to be an expensive purchase, it is worth considering whether the size of the ring can be altered if it will be worn differently in the future. Additionally, promise rings can be easily mistaken for an engagement ring or wedding band if they consist of too many flashy details, so simplicity is key. Popular design elements for promise rings include heart motifs, love knots, infinity symbols, engravings of fingerprints, names, and Roman numerals.

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