what finger should a promise ring go on

what finger should a promise ring go on

1 year ago 34

A promise ring is a symbol of commitment within a romantic relationship, often given before an engagement as an acknowledgment that the relationship is on that path. The finger on which a promise ring is worn is a matter of personal preference and cultural traditions. However, some finger placements are more popular than others. The most common placement is on the left-hand ring finger, which is the fourth finger. This finger is traditionally thought of as the wedding ring finger, and wearing a promise ring on this finger can signify the importance of the commitment. However, some people choose to wear their promise ring on the right hand, leaving the left ring finger open for a future engagement ring. Another option is to wear the promise ring on a chain around the neck. Ultimately, the finger on which a promise ring is worn is up to the individual and their partners preference.

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