what gauge are lobe piercings

what gauge are lobe piercings

1 year ago 36

The gauge size of a lobe piercing can vary depending on how it was pierced and who did the piercing. Here are some common gauge sizes for lobe piercings:

  • Standard ear piercings are usually 20g or 18g if they were pierced by a gun. If they were pierced by a professional, the lobe piercing will typically be a 16g or 14g.
  • The most common gauge sizes for ear piercings are 20G (0.8mm), 18G (1mm), and 16G (1.2mm) .
  • Gun piercings are usually 20g. High-quality body jewelry brands start their jewelry at 18g. Because lobe piercings are usually old, 18g or 16g will work as well.

Its important to note that everyones ear is different, and your piercer may use a different sized needle depending on your exact ear size and shape, and your lifestyle. If youre unsure about the gauge size of your lobe piercing, its best to visit your piercer and ask them what size they used for your specific piercing.

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