what genre is hamlet

what genre is hamlet

1 year ago 35

Hamlet is a tragedy, specifically a revenge tragedy. Revenge tragedies were popular in England during the time of Shakespeare and typically feature a murder, ghosts, and someone seeking revenge. Hamlet is a classic example of this genre, as it tells the story of Prince Hamlet seeking revenge against his uncle Claudius for murdering his father and seizing the throne.

While Hamlet is a tragedy, it also strains the usual conventions of the genre. For example, Hamlets indecisiveness is often identified as his tragic flaw, but some readers argue that it is more of an existential condition. Additionally, the plays ending is not a typical tragic ending, as it features the death of many characters, not just the protagonist.

Overall, Hamlet is a complex play that defies easy categorization, but it is most commonly classified as a revenge tragedy and a tragedy in general.

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