Sikhs believe in one God, who is the Oneness that permeates the entirety of creation and beyond. The founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak, strongly denounces any type of hypocrisy or duality and prefixed the numeral "IK" (one) to the syllable Onkar to stress the idea of Gods oneness. Sikh thought is strictly monotheistic and believes that this Universe is the creation of God. Its origins are in God, it operates under the Command of God (hukum), and its end is in God. God is the Omnipotent being, the sole cause of Creation, Preservation, and Destruction. Sikhs believe that there is only one God, who created everything, and that Waheguru must remain in the mind at all times. Sikhs describe God in various ways, including Sat Nam, True Name, Ik Onkar, There Is Only One God, and Akal Purkh, Eternal Being. Sikhs believe that only Waheguru must be worshipped, and it is forbidden to worship any images of Waheguru, although images of the Ten Gurus can be found in Sikh places of worship. The Mool Mantra is part of Sikhs’ daily prayer, and it is taught to young Sikh children and forms the basis of Sikh belief. The Mool Mantra is "There is only one God, Ik Onkar, The name is truth, Satnam, He is the creator, Karta Purakh, No fear, Nirhau, No hatred, Nirvair, Immortal without form, Akaal."