what goes around comes back around

what goes around comes back around

1 year ago 46

"What goes around comes around" is a popular saying that implies that the consequences of ones actions will eventually come back to them. This phrase is often used to convey the idea of karma or the concept that ones actions will have repercussions, whether positive or negative, in the future.

The saying has also been popularized in the title of a song by American singer-songwriter Justin Timberlake, "What Goes Around... Comes Around," from his second studio album. The song was commercially successful and received certifications for its sales in various countries. The music video for the song was premiered in 2007 and gained popularity on music channels and online platforms.

In addition to its use in popular culture, the phrase "what goes around comes around" is also recognized in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, where it is defined as informal and used to convey the idea that if someone treats others badly, they will eventually be treated badly by someone else.

Overall, "what goes around comes around" is a widely recognized saying that reflects the concept of cause and effect, emphasizing the potential consequences of ones actions.

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