what goes first concealer or foundation

what goes first concealer or foundation

1 year ago 42

When it comes to the order of applying concealer and foundation, there are different opinions and considerations. Heres a summary of the information from the search results:

  • Foundation First: Some makeup artists recommend applying foundation before concealer. This is especially true if you have blemishes or pigmentation on the skin, as putting your base on first allows you to cover these imperfections effectively.

  • Concealer First: On the other hand, some people prefer to apply concealer before foundation, especially if they struggle with hyperpigmentation, acne, or dark circles and need a big boost of coverage. Additionally, using concealer first can lead to using less foundation, resulting in a more natural and seamless look.

  • Color-Correcting Concealer: There is a major exception to the foundation and concealer order when using color-correcting concealer. In this case, the concealer is applied before foundation to address specific color issues.

  • Expert Advice: Makeup artist Jacque Mgido suggests that the order of application depends on the skins needs. Foundation is lighter coverage and provides an even base, while concealer is packed with pigment and is designed to cover what foundation cannot hide. Applying concealer first can lead to using less foundation and achieving a more natural look.

In conclusion, the order of applying concealer and foundation can depend on individual preferences and specific makeup needs. However, for general coverage, it is often recommended to apply foundation before concealer, especially if you have blemishes or pigmentation on the skin.

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