Ice Cube and Mack 10, former members of the Westside Connection rap group, have had a long-running feud that has lasted for almost two decades. While Ice Cube did not get into specifics, he has claimed that Mack 10 committed "a violation that cant be overlooked". Mack 10 has previously said that the groups mid-2000s split stemmed from him getting into an altercation with Cubes brother-in-law, who he accused of meddling with the groups affairs. Mack 10 has also claimed that he went to Cube about four or five times before the conflict jumped off and told him to correct the situation, but Cube did not take action. Despite fans calling for a reunion, Ice Cube has publicly stated that Westside Connection is a done deal and that he has no regrets about shutting down peace talks for the group. Mack 10 has also revealed that he hasnt spoken to Cube in almost 20 years and that he doesnt hold any grudges against him, but he isnt going out of his way to mend issues with him.