In 1492, several significant events took place that had a profound impact on Western history, Europe, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Spain, and the New World, among others. Here are some of the key events that happened in 1492:
January 15: Christopher Columbus meets Ferdinand and Isabella at the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos in Córdoba, Andalusia, and persuades them to support his Atlantic voyage intended to find a new route to the East Indies.
March 31: Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon issue the Alhambra Decree which expels Jews from their kingdoms.
August 3: Christopher Columbus with Juan de la Cosa second-in-command sets sail on his first voyage with three ships, Santa María, Pinta, and Niña from Palos de la Frontera, Spain for the "Indies".
October 12: Christopher Columbus expedition makes landfall in the Caribbean and lands on Guanahani, which he calls San Salvador, believing he has reached the East Indies.
October 28: Christopher Columbus lands in Cuba.
November 3: The Peace of Étaples is signed between England and France, ending French support for Perkin Warbeck, the pretender to the English throne. All English-held territory in France (with the exception of Calais) is returned to France.
These events include the completion of the Reconquista of Spain, Europes (Spain) discovery of the New World, and the expulsion of Jews from Spain.