Amy Allan, a renowned medium and founding cast member of the paranormal reality TV show "The Dead Files," left the show during its 15th season. The Travel Channel announced that she would be leaving midway through the season for a "personal break". Amy has not publicly disclosed her reasons for leaving the show, but she has mentioned that she plans to take a year to get healthy, enjoy her online store, guide a few workshops, and even attend a paranormal weekend or two. She has continued to work as a medium, written a book, and given workshops and seminars on mediumship since leaving the show. Amys departure from the show was a shock to many fans, but the good news is that "The Dead Files" will continue with its 15th season, introducing a fresh face: medium Cindy Kaza. Cindy has appeared in several paranormal-themed TV shows since 2018, such as "The Holzer Files," "Ghosts of Devils Perch," and "Ghosts of Flight 401".