what happened to annabel lee usher

what happened to annabel lee usher

1 year ago 39

Annabel Lee is a character in Edgar Allan Poes short story "The Fall of the House of Usher," and her fate is a central mystery in the story. Annabel Lee was Roderick Ushers first wife and the mother of their children, Frederick and Tamerlane. Rodericks love for Annabel Lee is emphasized as one of his most redeeming qualities before his pursuit of wealth and power corrupted him. Annabel Lees death symbolizes the destruction of even the purest souls in the ruthless climb to money and power.

The Fall of the House of Usher implies that Annabel Lee died by suicide. While the series doesnt give an explicit cause of death for Annabel Lee, her ghost is seen with a gunshot wound on the back of her head in the series finale. When coupled with the suggestion that Annabel died of a broken heart, this indicates that she likely shot herself in the mouth. In Episode 8, Roderick is at the funeral of his three oldest children and sees her. They face each other with her saying the way he convinced everyone to take his children from her was because he was “rich.” Annabel Lee couldn’t compete and told Roderick that instead of feeding them, he starved them of affection. As she tells him they died in their childhoods, the scene shows the back of her head. A piece of her skull is missing and there’s blood. Based on the context of their conversation, and knowing Annabel Lee cared deeply for her children, she likely died by suicide after losing them.

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