According to the search results, Ash and Pikachus journey in the Pokémon anime series has come to an end after 25 years. In the final episode, Ash and Pikachu reunite with the original cast, Misty and Brock, and venture off to Pewter City and Cerulean City. They also return to where it all began, Pallet Town, where they connect with Professor Oak, Ashs old rival Gary, and Team Rockets Jesse, James, and Meowth. In a final surprise for long-time fans, Ash and Pikachu were rescued by his Pidgeot, unseen in the anime for 24 years. Later caught up in a rainstorm, Ash and Pikachu hid under a tree surrounded by a hoard of wild Pokémon. There, Ash decided that he had achieved his Pokémon Master goal by befriending so many Pokemon during his journeys. The final episode doesnt feel all too final, but rather a send-off for Ash and Pikachu to continue on their own adventures. However, producers announced an 11-part farewell series to wrap up Ash and Pikachus storyline before a new anime with different leads launches in Japan. The new series introduces two new trainers named Liko and Roy, who will be the new stars of the Pokémon series.