what happened to ashley after re4

what happened to ashley after re4

1 year ago 34

Ashley Graham is a character in Resident Evil 4 who is kidnapped by a cult and rescued by the games protagonist, Leon Kennedy. At the end of the game, Ashley and Leon escape on a jet ski, but Ashley never makes another on-screen appearance in any of the Resident Evil games following RE4. Capcom hasnt provided many details about Ashleys fate, so fans have tried to piece together what happened to her. Some speculate that she returned to school to finish her degree after taking some time off to recover from the horrors she witnessed. Others believe that she could have become an employee of the government after the events of Resident Evil 4 since theres a precedent for similar characters following that path. In the Resident Evil 4 Remake, Ashley has undergone significant character development, making her more independent and capable in both gameplay and personality. She has expressed her desire to become an agent like Leon and help the United States, but her father, the president, could easily be against the idea, especially after Ashley is kidnapped and injected by Las Plagas. While Ashley has made a cameo appearance in a scene from Netflixs Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness, her future in the Resident Evil franchise remains uncertain.

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