Earl Sweatshirt is a rapper and producer who was a member of the west coast rap collective Odd Future. He gained notoriety for his ultraviolent and often brilliant lyrics, but he disappeared from the spotlight after his debut album, Doris, in 2013. His hiatus led to a movement known as "Free Earl," which stemmed from a post on Odd Futures Tumblr. Fans later learned that his mother sent him to Samoa to attend a school for at-risk teens. He returned in 2013 and produced a stunning and deeply mature debut album, Doris. After his return, he continued to release music, including his most recent album, "Voir Dire". In 2021, a video titled "Earl Sweatshirt | Where Are They Now? | Life Outside Odd Future & More" was uploaded to YouTube, which provides an update on his life outside of music.