what happened to elder holland

what happened to elder holland

1 year ago 42

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was hospitalized in early August for observation and treatment of ongoing health complications. He was released from the hospital on September 10 and is now recuperating at home. Elder Hollands wife, Sister Patricia Holland, passed away on July 20, and he missed general conference in April due to COVID-19. He was temporarily relieved from his duties as an apostle in April 2023 while undergoing kidney dialysis and dealing with the consequences of COVID-19 along with his wife. Elder Holland is grateful for the many prayers offered on his behalf during this health challenge and time of sorrow following the passing of Sister Holland. As his health improves, he looks forward to resuming active service in his ministry.

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