Emmy Rossum played Fiona Gallagher, the eldest sister of the Gallagher family, in the TV show Shameless. However, Rossums character did not see the show through to the end, permanently exiting the show at the end of Season 9. Rossum announced her departure from Shameless in August 2018, citing her exit as an opportunity to move onto other projects. In the show, Fiona hits rock bottom dealing with addiction and relationship issues, but Lip helps her to get sober and start going to AA meetings. She gets a job at a convenience store again and learns she’s getting $100k from a real estate deal. In the season 9 finale, Fiona leaves the Gallagher house and the South Side of Chicago to start a new life somewhere near the equator. The show continued for two more seasons without Fiona. There is no official information on what happened to Fiona after she left the show, but some fans speculate that she moved to a completely different state and started over, rebuilt her character, and found a job that pays the bills and lets her have a stress-free life.