what happened to hank in breaking bad

what happened to hank in breaking bad

1 year ago 33

Hank Schrader is a character in the TV series Breaking Bad, portrayed by Dean Norris. In Season 5 of the show, Hank discovers the truth about Walter Whites double life as Heisenberg while using Walters bathroom. He finds a book containing incriminating evidence, revealing that Walter is the man he has been searching for all this time. This discovery sets the stage for a confrontation between the two characters that ultimately results in Hanks death. Walter realizes that Hank poses a significant threat to his operation and takes drastic measures to protect his secret and maintain control over the situation. In a tense and dramatic sequence of events, Walt calls upon a group of criminals to help defend him after being lured to expose the hiding place of his blood money. However, when it is revealed that Hank is involved with Jesse Pinkman in an attempt to catch him, Walt calls off the men and accepts his defeat. Hank is then killed by a man named Jack Welker.

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