Heath, played by Corey Hawkins, went missing after a two-week scavenging mission with Tara in the season 7 episode "Swear". He was last seen standing on a Humvee trying to rescue Tara when she fell off the bridge into the water. When she eventually found her way back, Heath was gone. All that was left was a pair of his glasses and a card with "PPP" on it. Showrunner Angela Kang confirmed that Heath was taken by Jadis and her Scavengers, and then traded to the Civic Republic Military (CRM) for supplies). Since Heath was traded to the CRM, his fate was either an A, and he was being used to experiment on, or a B, meaning he is part of the military. Fans hoped he would appear in an episode of World Beyond but he never did. Heath is one of several characters who could appear in the Rick and Michonne series, The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live, which will premiere on AMC and AMC+ in 2024 and continue the couples epic love story.