There are several search results related to Ian Huntley and his dog, but the information is scattered and sometimes contradictory. Here is what we know:
In 2003, during his trial for the murder of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, Huntley testified that he had run a bath for his dog on the day the girls disappeared. The dogs name is not mentioned in this article or any other search result.
In a 2005 article, it is mentioned that Maxine Carr, who was involved with Huntley and convicted of perverting the course of justice, had a dog that suffered a heart attack and required treatment costing nearly £3,000. This dogs name is Maxine.
In a 2023 article, it is mentioned that Huntley had a dog, but details about its well-being or whereabouts remain elusive.
In a 2003 article, it is mentioned that Huntley had an Alsatian-type dog named Sadie, and that he made his fiancée stay at home to clean the dogs moulting hairs instead of pursuing a career. However, this article does not mention anything about the dogs fate.
Therefore, it is unclear what happened to Ian Huntleys dog, and which dog(s) are being referred to in the search results.